Security & Privacy



Protection of Personal Data



"MAKTEH.COM" collects and uses the information for the purposes of:

▪ direct marketing

▪ fulfillment of its contractual obligations to the Users

"MAKTEH.COM" processes the personal data of the users on the basis of the contract concluded between the User and "MAKTEH.COM".

The user agrees to process his or her personal data for the purpose of direct marketing by tagging a check box.

The user may give up at any time the given consent by ticking a checkbox located in the customer center of each registered user.

The Consumer's personal data is stored for a period of 5 years.


Each User of the site enjoys all rights to protection of personal data in accordance with Bulgarian and European Union law.

Each User is entitled to:

  • Awareness (in connection with the processing of his or her personal data by the administrator);
  • Access to your own personal data;
  • Correction (if data is inaccurate)
  • Delete personal information (right to be forgotten);
  • Limitation of processing by the administrator or the processor of personal data;
  • Portability of personal data between individual administrators;
  • Objection to the processing of his or her personal data;
  • The data subject may also not be the subject of a decision based solely on automated processing involving profiling that produces legal consequences for the data subject or similarly affects him or her significantly;
  • Right to judicial or administrative redress if the rights of the data subject have been violated.


The user may request deletion if one of the following conditions is true:

  • Personal data is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed;
  • The user withdraws his / her consent on which the processing of the data is based and no other legal basis for the processing;
  • The data user opposes the processing and there are no legitimate grounds for processing that have an advantage;
  • Personal data has been tampered with;
  • Personal data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation under Union law or the law of a Member State that applies to the administrator;
  • Personal data has been gathered in connection with the provision of information society services to children, and consent is given by parental responsibility for the child.


The user is entitled to restrict the processing of his personal data by the controller when:

  • Opposes the accuracy of personal data. In this case, the limitation of the processing is for a period that allows the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
  • Processing is improper, but the User does not wish to delete the personal data, but instead requires a limitation of their use;
  • The administrator no longer requires personal data for the purposes of processing, but the User requires them to identify, exercise or protect legal claims;
  • Opposes the processing pending verification that the legitimate grounds of the administrator have an advantage over the User's interests.


Right of portability

The data subject has the right to receive the personal data that concerns him and which he has provided to an administrator in a structured, widely used and machine readable format and has the right to transfer that data to another administrator without hindrance by the administrator to whom the personal data is provided when the processing is based on consent or a contractual obligation and the processing is done in an automated manner. When exercising its right to data portability, the data subject is also entitled to receive a direct transfer of personal data from one administrator to another when technically feasible.


 Right of objection

Users have the right to object to the controller against the processing of their personal data. The Personal Data Administrator is required to discontinue the processing unless he can prove that there are convincing legal grounds for the processing that take precedence over the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject or for the establishment, exercise or protection of legal claims. In case of objection to the processing of personal data for the purposes of direct marketing, processing should be terminated immediately.


Appeal to the supervisory authority

Each User has the right to file a complaint against the unlawful processing of his personal data with the Personal Data Protection Commission or the competent court.



Using cookies

Cookies are short text files or small bundles of information stored on the Internet browser of your terminal device (PC, tablet, laptop or cell phone) when you visit different websites and pages on the Internet. The main purpose of cookies is to make the user recognizable when he returns back to the Web site. Some cookies also have a more specific application, such as storing user behavior on the site and making it easier for the user to use the Website. More information on how cookies work can be found on the Internet.


How are cookies used on this Website?

We use cookies on this Website primarily for the purpose of facilitating the usability of the site, improving its work, and storing information about user behavior. No personal data is stored in this process, ie. through the cookies on the site we can not identify you as a person, so the collection of this information does not apply to the Privacy Act. Collected information from cookies is generally used in a generic way to analyze the user's behavior on the Website, which allows us to improve the functionality of the site, the user paths, and the content used.


What cookies are used on this Website?


Session "cookies"

This type of cookies makes it easier for you to use the site, and they store information temporarily only within the session of your browser. Usually the information that is stored through them is what goods you have added to the shopping cart, which pages of the site you have visited, and how you have accessed some information. These cookies do not collect information from your terminal and are automatically deleted when you leave the Website or end your session on your browser.


Permanent cookies

They enable us to store specific browsing information, such as analyzing site visits, how you've reached the Website, what pages you've reviewed, what options you've chosen, and where you've been targeting through this Website. Tracking this information enables us to make improvements to the Website, including bug fixes and content expansion. The shelf life of this type of cookie varies according to its intended purpose.


Third Party Cookies

Our site has links to other sites or embedded content from other sites, such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, partner websites. It is possible that when visiting these sites or opening content from them, they will be stored on your terminal cookies from these websites. These cookies are defined as third-party cookies, and we have no control over the generation and management of these cookies. We advise you to look for information about them and how they manage the websites of the third parties concerned.


How can I manage the use of cookies from this Website?

All browsers allow you to manage cookies from a specially designed folder on your browser. You can block the receipt of cookies, delete all or part of them, or set your cookie preference settings before initiating a visit to our site. Keep in mind that deleting or blocking cookies may adversely affect the functionality of our Website and, hence, your user experience.


Disable or block cookies

Controlling, disabling, or blocking cookies is governed by your browser settings. Keep in mind that a full ban on the use of all cookies may affect the site's performance, performance, and access to certain information.



MAKTEH Store Security

We would like you to be confident about ordering online, we use secure socket layer (SSL) technology to ensure that your details are safe and information you provide is fully encrypted so that it cannot be read by third parties. Your browser will confirm that you are shopping in a secure environment by showing a locked padlock icon or an image of a key in the bar at the base of your screen.